Tuesday, May 14, 2013

5 Random Facts About Me

I have only a few posts on this blog and my audience is still pretty small, but I do feel the need to be open to anyone who reads my blog posts. 

  1. I am a junior at North Carolina State University, just completing my sophomore year last week, majoring in Biological Sciences with a minor in Religious Studies. Yes, I know these two things sound like they aren't related at all, but having taken courses in both areas over the past two years, there is a lot in common within these two fields, even though scientists or (some) theologians may not see it.
  2. I love anything with strawberries, except strawberry ice cream. Strawberry cakes, cupcakes, candy, soda, cookies, even strawberry flavored water, but not strawberry ice cream. Something about it just doesn't taste right to me. 
  3. I really can't consider myself a total fan of Christian rap/hip-hop music, even though I listen to it all the time. When it comes to Christian rap, I would rather listen to music from an underground artist or not well known artist than listen to Christian rappers with multiple albums or multiple awards. Also, whatever mood I'm in determines what I listen to. Some days I might only listen to contemporary Gospel, whereas some days I may only listen to neo-Gospel or jazz. It just depends on my mood.
  4. I would love to serve in medical missions. I do have a desire to go back to college after I finish my undergraduate degree to become a Nurse Practitioner. After that, I would like to start my own clinic and/or join an organization like Doctors Without Borders or some other organization to travel around the world helping out countries in need to share the Gospel with them. Currently, I have my qualifications as a Certified Nurse's Assistant.
  5. I am afraid of clowns. Not to the point that I'll run out the room or pass out, I just don't like to be around them at all. The painted on permanent smile that they wear creeps me out!

Hope you've enjoyed finding out about some cool things about me!

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