Tuesday, April 17, 2018


"If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory." - Colossians 3:1-4 (emphasis added)

Although I know it's been quite some time since the last post back in February, I do believe, I know for sure, that this break from writing has been both necessary and beneficial. I didn't just take a break from writing on this website - I haven't written at all since that last post. Just to give an overview and have an opportunity to be transparent with you all, this break from writing was initially hard to go through, but as I began to see how God was working in the during this time, it slowly began to get easier not having the pressure of writing something consistently once a week or once every other week.

Slowly easier, but not easy at all.

Back in February, after I had posted Lyrical Heresy 2, I wanted to go ahead and come back the next week or the week after with another post, but  I was struggling to come up with something to write. At the time I was about half way through with the book I'll be doing a review on soon, but with coming home and being tired from work, I really didn't feel like reading every night. Usually I will have a running list of topics or partial posts that I've already started working on, but I literally had nothing left.

I mentioned that in the beginning of this time I found it hard not writing, only because writing had become my norm and comfort for so long. To some extent, I had become dependent on writing. I was viewing writing as a means to bring me joy, but actually it had only became an idol I placed on a shelf in my mind to bow down to and appease.

Somehow, somewhere along the way, my passion for writing overtook my genuine zeal and joy of sharing the Gospel, which is dangerous. When I started this blog May 2013 (Happy 5th Birthday to us!), becoming popular or famous wasn't the goal, and to this day it still isn't. I've been approached by some popular Christian companies that have been declined (or later removed from viewing) because ultimately, at the end of the day, the sanctity of the Gospel is what matters. As John MacArthur once said, "Being Spirit filled starts with being Scripture saturated." If we allow ourselves to become so careless with the very thing God has entrusted to us and commanded us to be His witness - the Gospel of Jesus Christ - we'll gradually, yet easily welcome false doctrines and teachings.

Being away from writing was also initially hard because it felt that I had to write. Writing had become a chore and not a means of proclaiming the glorious truth of God. However, the more I began to see God for who He truly is in my life, the thought of being away became easier to bear. Daily, I am being made content and satisfied in Him, and not in any social media platform, talent, following or "amazing" blog post that I happen to write.

As God continues to work in me, I pray that I will truly see and believe that only Christ can truly satisfy. No following, website, man, hairstyle or diet habit can fill the God-shaped hole in our lives other than God alone.


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